Write the Right Book ™

Everything you need to start writing your book with confidence.

How do you write

the right book?

Penning a book is a monumental endeavor that consumes significant time and emotion. Given the immense commitment involved, you don’t want to squander precious months, or even a year, writing the wrong book. Before the first word hits the page, you should feel confident that you’re setting out to write the right book.

The good news is when you put the time into planning your book the right way, you will write the right book every time. The number one reason books fail is because they lack focus and structure. Writing the Right Book gets that right and more. 

“Great! So what makes a book right?” 

Good question. To write the right book you first need to get 5 things right.

1. The Right Topic

Choosing your book’s topic hinges on the problems you’re aiming to solve. Start with the problems, what you know about solving the problems, and narrow it down to what you do best. The best topic will be unique to your experiences and perspective. 

Unique Perspective

Does your book offer something that hasn’t been presented the same way before? 


Do you have enough expertise and experience to write on the topic? 

Personal Interest

Are you passionate about the topic? Your interest can drive you through the writing process.  


Will readers gain transformational value from reading your book? This could be in the form of knowledge, skills, inspiration, etc. 


Can your ideas be thoroughly discussed in the scope of a book? 

2. The Right Reader

Understanding your ideal reader before writing a book helps focus your content, tone, and style, ensuring that your message resonates. It guides your writing decisions and increases the likelihood of the book’s success. When determining who your ideal reader is you’ll need to consider the following. 

Core Message

Your book’s central idea or primary principle you aim to communicate to your readers. 


High level profile of potential readers: age, sex, income, etc.


Your reader’s values, beliefs, challenges, and pain points. 

Level of Awareness

Your reader’s awareness level of the problem your book solves and available solutions. 

3. The Right Core Message

Your core message is the foundational truth that your entire book is built on. Everything hinges on it – all teaching points you want to share and all the changes you want your reader to make.  

The Right Core Message

Speaks to the solution for your reader’s core problem. 

The Right Core Message

Is clear, and can be communicated in one brief sentence.  

The Right Core Message

Is transformational on its own. Your reader can take action and experience positive change without even reading your book.

The Right Core Message

Gives you the confidence you’ll need to start writing your book, finish writing your book, and tell people about your book.

3. The Right Promise

Your promise to your reader is the change, growth, or understanding your book provides if they buy it, read it, finish it, and act on your advice. 

Revisit Your Core Message

What is the main take away for your book? What do you want your reader to understand by the time they finish the last page? 

What's in it for your Reader?

Think about every benefit readers will gain from your book. Make a comprehensive list. Will they acquire new skills? See the world differently? Achieve personal or professional growth? 


What makes your book unique from others in the same category? How does your perspective, experience, research, or methodology stand out?

Be Specific

Vague promises trigger skepticism. Instead of saying, “You’ll learn to optimize your management skills,” you might say, “You’ll learn three key strategies to boost your revenue by 200% in one year.” 

Test Your Promise

Share your book’s promise with potential readers. Does your promise resonate with them? Is it compelling? Would they read your book if they knew it fulfilled the promise? 

4. The Right Title

The title you choose for your book can make or break it. The title is the first thing your potential reader see or hears about your book. Getting it right is the single most important marketing decision you’ll make. 


Your book’s title needs to speak to or at least hint at the problem it solves. 


Tap into the emotions of your reader. You can do this by including the promise or part of your solution in your subtitle. 


The best titles are easy to recall. 


Cleverness should always be secondary to clarity, however if you’re able to sprinkle in  something sticky that’s a bonus. 


The best book titles leave the door open for a series. Many business authors end up writing three or more books. 

5. The Right Structure

The number one reason traditionally published books get rejected is because of poor structure. The number one reason independently published books don’t get read is… you guessed it – poor structure. On top of that, most authors never finish their books because they try writing by the seats of the pants without thinking about structure first.

Clarity of Vision

Outlining your book first gives you a roadmap. It allows you to see the big picture before getting lost in the details. 


Knowing what’s coming reduces writer’s block, keeps momentum going, and speeds up the process. 


Proper structure ensures a balance within chapters and chapter breaks. It creates a slinky flow and enjoyable read. 

Better Editing

Good structure makes editing straightforward because you know the purpose of each section and chapter, and have something to check against. 

Better Read

Well structured books make the best reads because they create a logical flow that meet the reader’s subconscious expectations. 

So, now what?

Now you know what you need to do BEFORE you write anything.

So, you can get to work on these 5 foundations


I can do it for you

Actually, we’d do it together, but I’d set everything up, guide you every step of the way, and make sure everything is perfect before you start writing

Typically when an author hires me to ghostwrite their book we spend the first eight to ten weeks working through all of these areas. If you want to write the right book, but not invest in the entire ghostwriting process this is the best alternative.

Getting these right can take a lot of the drudgery out of writing, and it gives you the confidence to move forward and get your book out of your head and onto the shelf.



The Write the Right Book Process

Every week we’ll meet for 90 minutes and work on each of the five foundational elements you need to write the right book. Before each meeting I’ll send you a detailed agenda and notes. Based on what we develop each week I’ll work before the next meeting to build on what we’ve achieved. By the end of the ten weeks you will have everything you need to start writing your book with confidence. If you enjoy working with me and want to keep going you can hire me to ghostwrite or coach you through the drafting and publishing phases. 

The Right Topic: Weeks 2-3

During the first interviews we’ll work together to determine the best topic and focus for your book.

The Right Reader & Core Message: Weeks 4-6

Building off week one we’ll determine who your ideal reader is, and your book’s core message.

The Right Promise:   Weeks 6-7

We’ll review and finalize your ideal reader, core message, and develop your book’s promise.

The Right Title: Week 8

I’ll bring research to our meeting, and a list of different title and subtitle ideas. Togthether we’ll choose the best title for your book.

The Right Structure: Weeks 9-10

We’ll determine your book’s outline, table of contents, and chapter structure .

Write the Right Book

The 5 foundations to writing a must read business book 


Discover the 5 things all great authors do before they write a single word. Get these right and you can write with purpose and confidence. So go ahead and download this little treasure and give yourself the best chance to write a must read book.